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Sign Up For AlertOC

AlertOC is a mass notification program, on the Everbridge platform, that Orange County and participating cities use to issue government-related messages to residents and businesses. The system can send thousands of messages within minutes via phone, e-mail and text. Only authorized officials are allowed access to the system.

Sign up online by going to

How does it work? Authorized officials record a voice, e-mail or text message that’s then delivered quickly to appropriate individuals in the notification system. The primary use of the system will be to disseminate messages pertaining to the health, safety, or welfare of a community that’s being affected by a perceived, emerging, or imminent emergency event. You may also choose to subscribe to non-emergency messages from participating cities or agencies.

Your local government and Everbridge take your security and privacy concerns seriously. Policy and contract agreements have been put into practice that prohibit AlertOC contact information from being shared, sold, traded, leased or loaned to outside parties. Staff access to your contact information is limited and approved at many layers. Contact information transmitted through the web portal is sent over a secure connection.

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