In-Street Sewer Line Repairs: Browning Avenue: As we recently announced, we will be in the Tustin area over the next 60-90 days making improvements to your sewer system. Affecting Tustin Memorial Academy – Construction Delay Due to unknown circumstances involving soil conditions, the sewer replacement project Browning at La Colina has been delayed. Construction was expected to be completed on 12/28/17 but is now expected to conclude by 1/10/18 or 1/11/18 at the latest. However, EOCWD will schedule construction around pick-up and drop-off times, and traffic will not be impeded during pick-up and drop-off times of 7:55 a.m.-8:20 a.m and 2:35 p.m.-3 p.m. Heavy equipment will remain in the area for the duration of the project, and students should stay away for their safety. Once construction is complete, re-paving will occur several weeks later (definitive dates will be provided). Re-paving will also be scheduled so it does not interfere with school drop-off and pick-up times. Affecting Utt Middle School Construction at Browning and Bent Twig Lane will commence on 1/8/18 and is expected to be completed within approximately three weeks, however, this project could also be delayed due to soil conditions. School traffic for Utt Middle School is expected to be minimally impacted due to the existence of four-laning along Browning Avenue in that area. To better serve our residents and parents with school children, we are moving a planned third segment of the project at Browning and Irvine Blvd to summer 2018 when school is not in session.