Septic 2 Sewer
“Septic2Sewer” is an initiative by EOCWD to ultimately bring sewer service to about 400 homes.
A district strategic goal is to reduce homeowner septic tank use, in favor of connections to the sanitary sewer system. Many homes in the district’s service area were built prior to the 1960s and have aging septic tanks that could pollute our portion of Orange County’s invaluable groundwater basin. The district worked with many stakeholders to develop a voluntary program to allow homeowners to abandon their septic tanks.
Both the cost to convert and the complexity of conversion (additional sewer infrastructure is often required to be constructed) are barriers to conversion. The program helps homeowners make the switch in two ways that can help reduce costs: by arranging for 30-year tax-exempt financing for most of the project and by sharing planning, engineering and construction expertise. This program underscores the value of having a local service provider being in the position to work closely with its customers, to meet specific neighborhood needs but also to benefit the entire service area with infrastructure system improvements that protect water quality and the environment.
Design, environmental review and permitting were completed by February, 2019, and a groundbreaking ceremony was held on February 9, 2019. The first Septic2Sewer program was completed in September, 2019. Below are a series of photos taken at this groundbreaking event.
Groupshot at the Vista Del Lago Septic 2 Sewer Groundbreaking
The backdrop at the Vista Del Lago Septic 2 Sewer Groundbreaking
Lisa Ohlund at the Vista Del Lago Septic 2 Sewer Groundbreaking
Groupshot at the Vista Del Lago Septic 2 Sewer Groundbreaking