NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the East Orange County Water District (“EOCWD”) will hold a public hearing at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 16, 2021, or as soon thereafter as the Agenda permits, to consider EOCWD’s an increase in compensation to the Board of Directors (“Board”) pursuant to Water Code Section 20200 et seq. Current Director compensation is set at $175 per day for attendance at meetings of the Board, and $125 per day for each day of service rendered at the request of the Board, as established by Ordinance No. 2007-1 in 2007.
EOCWD will be considering an ordinance that would leave the rate at $175 per day of attendance at meetings of the Board, but increase the rate to $175 per day of attendance at other meetings as defined by the Ordinance. Compensable meetings under the Ordinance will include: (1) attendance at any regular or special meetings of the Board; (2) attendance at a meeting of any committee or ad hoc committee of the Board; (3) attendance at meetings of agencies or groups for which the Director has been appointed by the Board; (4) attendance at other meetings, conferences and seminars when approved in advance by the Board; and (5) attendance at other meetings, conferences and seminars when approved in advance by the Board President. Such attendance may be either in-person or by teleconference. Director compensation shall be limited to one meeting per day, and no more than 10 meetings per month.
Directors shall be reimbursed, over and above such compensation for expenses reasonable and necessary to conduct EOCWD’s business pursuant to the provisions of EOCWD’s reimbursement policies then in effect.
This Ordinance, if adopted, will be effective 60 days after adoption, or on February 14, 2022.
Copies of the proposed Ordinance are available on request by contacting Sylvia Prado at (714) 538-5815 or sprado@eocwd.com. As a result of the COVID-19 emergency and the Board’s implementation of the emergency provisions of Government Code Section 54953(e), the meeting, inclusive of the public hearing, is scheduled to occur via the Zoom virtual meeting application. Instructions for joining the meeting are as follows:
Zoom Videoconference Link:
or via shortlink http://bit.ly/3nCm3eR
Telephone Audio: (669) 900-6833
Webinar/Meeting ID: 840 7023 6480 Passcode: 558073
Please consult the meeting agenda, to be published by EOCWD no later than 72 hours before the public hearing, for updated information relative to public access to the meeting.
Comments may be made orally at the meeting or may, but are not required to be, be e-mailed to sprado@eocwd.com by 4:30 p.m. on December 16, 2021. For more information, or if you would like assistance in presenting your comments to the Board of Directors at the public hearing, please contact Sylvia Prado at (714) 538-5815 or sprado@eocwd.com.